"I’m just an ordinary girl, except maybe I’m not as clever as most people."
Sayuri is a kind and friendly third year student who loves being with her best friend Mai. She comes from a rich and influential family, which causes the school's student council to take interest in her (to Sayuri's dismay). Sayuri mirrors Mai, with her easy-going and chirpy personality balancing out Mai's distant and cold aura. She first became friends with Mai in first year. Mai has fought off a stray mountain dog, which impressed Sayuri. She went over to Mai, who was letting the dog eat her food, and offered her own bento. From that day on, the two became friends who always ate lunch together.
When Sayuri was younger, she had a younger brother who she was tasked with raising. Sayuri thought that raising Kazuya strictly would help him grow up to be a fine young man, but deep inside of her, she always knew she wanted to coddle him and play with him. She scolded and ignored him, which made the two grow distant. As years went by, Kazuya fell ill, which made Sayuri feel sad. One night, she snuck into the hospital room that Kazuya was in, bringing snacks and water guns. Kazuya was scared at first, but realized that Sayuri wasn't going to scold him. The two ate snacks and played that night, bonding for the first time. Kazuya eventually passed away, which broke Sayuri to the point where she tried to take her own life as a way out. She started speaking about herself in the third person, wanting to distance herself from her own existence. She also wouldn't be anything but formal with any male friends or family from that day on.
Fun Facts
Sayuri shares a voice with Kamio Misuzu and the Girl from the Illusionary World!
The name Sayuri means "help, aid" (sa), "heavenly protection" (yu) and "reason, logic" (ri).
Why I love her
Sayuri is a massive bundle of sunshine who keeps smiling no matter what, even after everything she's been through. She loves Mai, despite all the trouble sha causes, and she befriends Yuichi quickly and accepts him into her friendgroup. Sayuri is the sweetest character out there and she deserves the world!