Air is a genuinely, jawdroppingly phenomenal Visual novel. Genuinely one of the most impactful stories I've had the pleasure of experiencing. I don't think I've cried like that at a story for over 5 years. I'll cover Minagi and Kano's routes together as unfortunately, they suffer from the exact same problem and are the only things that let Air down. They feel shoehorned in, with pacing that makes reading them feel like a chore at times (ESPECIALLY Minagi's). Both routes had good stories, and I loved Kano and Hijiri, but I could tell that these were later additions. With that being said...

Everything else about this game is flawless. Misuzu's Dream route built up Summer and Air perfectly. It was a beautiful, bittersweet story that pushes us forward into Summer. Summer was phenomenal and a much needed change of pace. The trio of characters were interesting and they didn't feel like a distraction from Misuzu's story. The Air route had me at the edge of my seat the entire time. The change of protagonists had me worried, but I think Yukito's story had a nice ending, where he got to help the girl in the sky break the curse. Haruko was a perfect choice to have become the new protagonist, and she definitely became one of my favourite characters. The ending broke me, yet brought me such happiness seeing the curse be lifted.

While I have my issues with the first 1/3 of the game, I think Air is something that I'll hold near and dear to my heart for a long, long time. The art and soundtrack was phenomenal, with the art being a massive step up from Kanon's art. The characters were all amazing, with Misuzu being a character that I will be heavily attached to for the rest of my life. I can't give Air anything other than a 10/10.

"Please... Somehow... Let it end with happy memories."