08/05/2024: Update!

I've decided to make Intertwined a visual novel! It's the best way to tell this story while also making it interactive. I'm currently working on writing, and I'm happy with how things are right now! There's a lot to write, but I have faith in myself and I really do think I can pull this story off!

23/03/2024: New Approach

Hey, so I've decided to change the way I approach making Intertwined. At first, I was planning to make it a game and balance the game dev and writing aspects but I realize that I wouldn't be able to do that. Instead, I've decided to focus on writing Intertwined as if it was a book, and most likely publish the story online somewhere. I'm still going to make a game of it, that's just not my focus rn.

Writing is going well! I'm gathering more and more ideas everyday and its starting to get to the point where I think I could fully write this story soon! That's about all for now, so yeah :3

31/01/2024: Starting a script!

Hey, just a quick update to say that I'll be starting to write the script soon! I can't wait to get all these ideas down into this story! Look forward to it :3

28/01/2024: Learning 3D Modelling!

Heyo! I decided to finally take a crack at 3D modelling and well... It's HARRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...

I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but wow, that was painful. I was most excited to learn how to texture, but it was so hard, that I had to give up for now. Tomorrow, I'll give it another go, but for now, I'm tired.

22/01/2024: Explaining My Game Idea!

Hello! I want to acually explain the plot and ideas I have for my game, so here we go!

My game, called Intertwined, will be a PSX style survival/paranormal/phsycological horror set in Japan during the year 2000. The game follows a girl named Maki Ito, who is dealing from the trauma of her childhood. When she was 12, a highschooler tried to kill her, but failed, ultimately dying herself. Now at the age of 17, Maki starts to experience unexplainable and terrifying occurences. Maki now has to figure out how to free herself, while also battling guilt and trauma. The story has another character, but she is someone I don't wanna spoil as of now.

The game will incorparate a mix of stealth, puzzle solving and survival, with an in-depth story that is told through the things the player finds. I plan to come up with more gameplay and story ideas that I can share here soon, so keep an eye out.

As for how far along I am in making this, not very far. It's overwhelming trying to learn all the skills I need, in order to make this. The story is easy for me to concieve, but actual development is scary and daunting. If anyone has any advice or would like to help, please DM me on Discord, I need it.

18/01/2024: First Post!

Hey! This is gonna be where I post my progress and ideas for the multiple projects I have going on in my brain, so stay tuned :3. For now, here's a piece of artwork for my game by the amazing PrincesStarfire1234 on Twitter!